April 19, 2012

Who is Your Doppelganger?

I thought this was a pretty funny link up with a pretty funny lady. Head on over to Raven's site and read all the entries, they are hilarious. I remember when people did this on facebook a couple of years ago so I am going to use the same one (lazy). This is the only celebrity I've ever heard I looked like more than once and actually took it as a compliment. I think it is mostly the hair, but I'll take it!!

{In case you just can't tell the difference because we are practically twins, that is me on the left and Heather Graham in the right. She totally uses me as her stand in and nude body double for every movie. No? Too much? I went too far.}

Who is your celebrity doppelganger? It can be a flattering one or one that you hate, either way it is still funny. When I was little people said I looked like Meg Ryan. Who tells a 6 year old that they look like a grown actress? That's weird. At least it was pre-plastic surgery...

Link up here!



  1. Wow you two look so much alike :)


  2. TOTALLY see it! You are way hotter though... just sayn. I love Raven, she is one funny mama!

    I want to enter! I have NO flippn clue who I look like though? Any ideas...?

  3. PaulCCarterApril 19, 2012

    You too DO look very similar!


  4. Hey I totally just pointed out another unnamed woman you looked like. I get penelope cruz sometimes but I don't see it, and I get less now that I'm aging. Oh age you've robbed me!!! j/k I actually think Lauren looks more like her than I do.

  5. OH MY GOSH - it's like you are twins! I don't think I look like anyone...I'll test out a picture tonight!

  6. Wow, you do look like her! I don't think I look like anyone now, but when I was younger I remember people telling me I looked like the little girl from the Firestarter, ie: drew barrymore. Then again now that I think about it maybe they just meant I looked crazy....

  7. I totes see it. That's a mad compliment, yo.

    (wow, I sound cool in this post, don't I?)

  8. Haha, yes you did! But I couldn't really be like "Hey I look like this unnamed chick, and you know what, SHE looks kinda like Heather Graham!". ;) I totally see Penelope in both of you.

  9. Haha, definitely not :). I feel like you look like someone, but I can't think of it, let me know what the websites say! I'll tell you if I come up with any.

  10. Nice! She DID look crazy in that movie!

  11. Yay, I'll take any compliment I can get!

  12. When I was like 9 I was told that I looked like Meg Ryan too! (I had a perm and blonde hair back then so it was definitely more relevant than my current straight, brunette hair) but yeah, I agree -- who says that to a little girl? I think Heather Graham looks like you, pretty lady. :)


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